Funny Holiday Ho Ho Hoe Gift Wrap (Roll)
Funny Holiday Ho Ho Hoe Gift Wrap (Roll)
Funny Holiday Ho Ho Hoe Gift Wrap (Roll)

Funny Holiday Ho Ho Hoe Gift Wrap (Roll)

Well, honey, if you're gonna wrap, do it with flair! 💁‍♀️✨

Introducing: not just ANY gift wrap, but THE gift wrap. This roll features 3 sassy sheets, with each sheet giving you a whole 29 inches by 20 inches of fabulousness. And, sweetie, we're talking 70# opaque high-quality paper – none of that flimsy nonsense. It's all wrapped up in its own protective cellophane (like the diva it is) and sealed with our branded sticker.

Oh, and a humble brag? These designs are birthed and printed in California by Unblushing, a fierce woman-owned, family-run business. So whether it's for a Christmas gag gift or just some holiday cheek, wrap it up in style! 🎁🎄💅

Regular price$12.00

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